As a proud owner of a German Shepherd puppy, you might be eagerly anticipating the moment when those adorable floppy ears transform into the characteristic alert, pointed ears that are a hallmark of the breed. Understanding the stages of German Shepherd puppy ear development and the factors that influence ear stance can provide valuable insights into your pup’s growth journey.
Exploring the Ear Stages of a German Shepherd Puppy
German Shepherd puppy ear development is an intriguing process that unfolds over several months. While each pup is unique and may progress through these stages at slightly different rates, a general timeline can help you anticipate when those ears might start standing up.
Stage 1: The Floppy Beginnings
In the early weeks of a German Shepherd puppy’s life, its ears are typically soft and floppy. The cartilage in the ears is still developing and may not be strong enough to support an upright position. During this stage, patience is key, as it’s entirely normal for your pup’s ears to droop or even fold over.
Stage 2: The Awkward Transition
As your German Shepherd puppy reaches around 3 to 4 months of age, you may notice that its ears begin to show signs of change. They might start to raise one at a time or exhibit a lopsided appearance. This transitional stage can be amusing to observe, as your pup’s ears seem to have a mind of their own.
Stage 3: Ears on Alert
Typically occurring between 5 to 7 months of age, this is when many German Shepherd puppies’ ears start standing up with greater consistency. The cartilage has become firmer, and the muscles supporting the ears have developed enough strength to maintain an upright posture. At this point, your pup’s ears should be more reliably erect, enhancing their overall noble appearance.
When Do Female German Shepherd’s Ears Stand Up?
Female German Shepherds typically begin to show signs of their ears standing up around the 6 to 7-week mark. However, some females might take a bit longer, with ears fully erect by 16 to 20 weeks of age.
When Do Male German Shepherds’ Ears Stand Up?
Male German Shepherds also start exhibiting ear-standing progress around 6 to 7 weeks, and they usually have their ears fully erect by 14 to 18 weeks. Keep in mind that each pup is unique, and slight variations in this timeline are normal.
Understanding the Factors Behind Unfolded Ears in German Shepherds
While the stages mentioned above provide a general guideline for German Shepherd puppy ear development, there are instances when a pup’s ears might not follow the expected timeline. Understanding the reasons behind this can help you address any concerns:
Genetics Play a Pivotal Role
Genetics is a primary determinant of whether a German Shepherd’s ears will stand up. If both parents have upright ears, there’s a higher likelihood that your pup’s ears will follow suit. However, if one or both parents have floppy ears, your puppy may inherit the same trait, leading to longer or persistent floppiness.
Teething and Growth Spurts
Teething and growth spurts can temporarily affect the stance of your German Shepherd’s ears. During these periods, a puppy’s body experiences significant changes, and this can impact the strength and structure of the ear cartilage. It’s not uncommon for ears that were previously standing up to temporarily droop during these phases.
Techniques for Getting Your Dog’s Ears to Stand Up
While genetics largely dictate the final outcome of your German Shepherd’s ear stance, there are a few proactive steps you can take to potentially aid the process:
Proper Nutrition
Ensuring your puppy receives a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for overall health, including the development of cartilage and muscles. Consult your veterinarian to ensure your pup’s diet supports its growth needs.
Massage and Support
Gentle massages to the base of your pup’s ears can help stimulate blood flow and encourage strong cartilage development. Additionally, providing temporary support, such as taping or bracing, during the early months can aid the ears in finding their upright position.
What causes German Shepherds to have floppy ears?

Several factors can contribute to German Shepherds having floppy ears, including:
Many Young Puppies experience floppy ears during the teething stage. All memmals are passed through the teething stage, in which their baby or milk teeth fall out and their adult teeth grow in fastly. It almost start from three weeks old and ends at 4-6 month of age or may be little bit more
During this Stage your Puppy’s mouth can require extra calcium to meet the growth. So , their body may extract calcium out of other areas, like as the ears, weakening their skeletal structure and making them flop
During this phase, you might observe that their ears sport a different look each day. They could stand upright one moment, then flop down the next, perhaps even fluctuating throughout the day based on their mood. Rest assured, this is completely normal and temporary. Once their hormones settle, their ears will revert to their original shape in no time.
Age and Development
Floppy ears are a natural part of a German Shepherd puppy’s early development. As mentioned earlier, the cartilage in the ears needs time to firm up and gain strength, and this process can vary from pup to pup.
Mixed Breed Heritage
If your German Shepherd is a mixed breed, their ear stance may be influenced by other breeds in their lineage. Some breeds have a genetic predisposition to floppy ears, which could manifest in your pup.
Watching your German Shepherd puppy’s ears transition from floppy to upright is a captivating journey that embodies their growth and development. While genetics primarily determine your pup’s ear stances, factors such as teething, growth spurts, and proper care can influence the process. Remember that each puppy is unique, and some may take longer than others to achieve the classic German Shepherd ear posture. By providing a nurturing environment and seeking guidance when needed, you can support your furry friend through this remarkable transformation.
Can I do anything to speed up the process of my German Shepherd’s ears standing up?
While genetics are the primary factor, providing a healthy diet and gentle ear massages can potentially support ear development.
My German Shepherd’s ears stood up but now they’re floppy again. Is this normal?
Yes, it’s normal for a pup’s ears to temporarily droop during growth spurts or teething. They may regain their upright stance as your pup matures.
At what age should I start to worry if my German Shepherd’s ears haven’t stood up?
Every pup is different, but if your German Shepherd’s ears haven’t shown signs of standing up by around 7 to 8 months of age, it’s a good idea to consult your veterinarian.